Buzzword | Creative cultural product 文创产品


The city of Hangzhou holds an outdoor fair spotlighting creative cultural products under the theme "Amazing Night in Hangzhou" to bolster its night economy. [Photo provided to China Daily]



The city of Hangzhou is launching a series of cultural activities through the end of October to bolster its nighttime economy.


One of the highlights was an outdoor fair of creative cultural products under the theme "Amazing Night in Hangzhou", which ran from July 30 to Aug 1, saw five nationwide museums and seven local museums showcasing multiple creations inspired by their iconic exhibits.

其中一个亮点是7月30日~8月1日举办的以 “杭州奇妙夜”为主题的文创产品户外展销会, 五家全国性博物馆、七家地方博物馆展示了以其标志性展品为灵感设计的多款创意作品。


To reflect the archeological ruins of Hangzhou's Liangzhu city, inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage list in 2019, patterns from cong jade artifacts from Liangzhu dating back 5,000 years were added to the fans, umbrellas and silk items that have long been local specialties of the city.


Related expressions

livestreaming sales   直播带货(请戳往期链接)

nighttime economy  夜间经济 (请戳往期链接)

revolutionary cultural relics  革命文物 (请戳往期链接)

high-quality development  高质量发展 (请戳往期链接)

Singles' Day shopping spree “双十一”购物狂欢节 (请戳往期链接)

dual circulation  双循环 (请戳往期链接)

online trade show  云展会 (请戳往期链接)


Collected by Wu Qin (intern), Lv Yun

Edited by Lv Yun

Source: China Daily

