Buzzword | Punk health/diet 朋克养生


A cartoon that shows the "punk heath" lifestyle of millennials. /VCG

Yangsheng, or health management, has become the latest fad among millennials in China. According to e-commerce giant Alibaba's 2017 health consumption report, more than 50 percent of health product buyers are under 30. The report found that young buyers tended to search for healthy foods that need little to no preparation, such as honey, goji berries and donkey-hide gelatin, reflecting their desire to stay healthy without making too much effort.


A 2021 polling result released by CCTV also shows that 33.27 percent of people aged 18 to 25 plan to increase their spending on health management, making it the second most important area of spending for the age cohort besides traveling.



Though the interest in health management is widely seen, the commitment to it less so. The erratic time schedule and intense work pressure of millennials prompted many to seek an easy way out, through "punk health"( or "punk diet")— a term used to describe the desire to both pursue a healthy lifestyle and instant pleasure.


Thus came the strange combination of eating spicy hotpot and drink chrysanthemum tea. Or have a glass of beer with red dates and Goji. Millennials who indulged in this want to have the best of both worlds, the instant gratification and long-term health that hopefully, dietary and nutritional supplements can bring.


Related expressions

health management  养生

Generation Z (Gen-Z)   Z世代(请戳往期链接)

empty-nest young people  空巢青年 (请戳往期链接)

staycation  宅度假 (请戳往期链接)

telemedicine   远程医疗 (请戳往期链接)

health literacy rate  健康素养水平(请戳往期链接)

online healthcare industry  在线医疗产业 (请戳往期链接)

Collected by Lv Yun, Wu Qin (intern)

Edited by Lv Yun

Sources: CGTN, China Daily

