Guangzhou Metro takes global lead in multiple operational indicators
2024-06-13 16:52:18

Intercity trains operated by Guangzhou Metro (Photo by Luo Changwei/Guangzhou Daily)

According to latest data released by Guangzhou Metro Group on June 12, Guangzhou Metro operated 28 lines with a mileage of 1066.8 km in 2023, driving the output value of Guangzhou's rail transit industry to exceed 250 billion yuan.

File photo shows the passenger flow at Shitan Station of Guangzhou Metro Line 8 on January 31, 2024. (Photo by Luo Changwei/Guangzhou Daily)

Data from Community of Metros (CoMET) in 2023 showed that among the 45 biggest metro network worldwide, Guangzhou Metro took the lead in multiple major operational indicators, with safety indicators consecutively ranking first, service reliability ranking first, and train punctuality ranking second.

Source: Guangzhou Daily
English author & editor: Lyu Yun

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