"Wonderful Moments in Guangzhou," a photo column hosted by GZphotos, one of the official WeChat accounts of Guangzhou Daily is calling for entries. Many readers have contributed their photographic works.
Let's discover the gorgeous moments in GZ through their lens.
Busy bee in spring (Photo/Luo Bin)《春忙小蜜蜂》 罗斌
A fascinating spring (Photo/Luo Jianwen)《醉人的春天》 罗建文
In the picture (Photo/Miao Miao)《景中人》 妙妙
Enjoying the scenery (Photo/Wang Zhixiang)《赏景》 王芝翔
The beautiful Gambiered Canton gauze (Photo/Deng Weiqiang)《香云纱之美 》 邓伟强
Source: GZphotos, one of the official WeChat accounts of Guangzhou Daily
Photo Editor: Cao Jingrong
English Editor: Lyu Yun