Culture|How did ancient Chinese spend Qingming Festival? (Ⅲ) 古人清明都玩啥?蹴鞠荡秋千

Developed from the worshipping of ancestors and spring customs in ancient times, the Qingming Festival, also known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day, is an important traditional festival in China and also the fifth of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar.



Wonder how the ancient people spend the Qingming Festival holidays? Let's continue to find out.



蹴鞠 Playing Cuju

Another popular sport of ancient Chinese during the Qingming Festival was Cuju, an ancient Chinese competitive game involving kicking a ball through an opening into a net. It's said that the sport was invented in as early as the Shang Dynasty, and later was used to train soldiers in the Han Dynasty.



Bronze mirror with figures playing Cuju, Song Dynasty, housed in the National Museum of China  宋·蹴鞠纹青铜镜,中国国家博物馆藏 

The sport reached its height of popularity in the Tang and Song dynasties, with emperors and the noble also playing Cuju. 


A famous ancient Chinese painting depicts Emperor Taizu of Song, the founder of the Song Dynasty, playing Cuju in the royal courtyard.



A painting depicts Emperor Taizu of Song, the founder of the Song Dynasty, playing Cuju in the royal courtyard, painted by Qian Xuan, Yuan Dynasty 元·钱选《宋太祖蹴鞠图》


荡秋千Playing Qiuqian(swings)

With a long history in China, Qiuqian, or swing in English, was first played by Shanrong (山戎), or Rong (戎) , an old Chinese nomadic people of the Central Plain of China, and then spread across the nation, becoming a festive game.


Ancient swing had tree branches as the frame and was attached with colorful ribbons. Later it was simplified with two ropes and a pedal. 


Swinging can not only improve health, but also nurture braveness. It is a fun activity even nowadays, especially for children.



People playing swings was spotted in the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, which is said to be painted by Qiu Ying, Ming Dynasty, housed in Liaoning Provincial Museum 明·仇英《清明上河图》局部,辽宁省博物馆藏 

Swing became popular from the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, Qingming Festival was even declared to be Swing Festival, as swings would be set up in the imperial palace to entertain the empress, concubines and maids in this time of the year.




The second painting of the Album of Ladies’ Seasonal Activities of Twelve Months by Chen Mei, a court painter in the Qing Dynasty, housed in the Palace Museum. Ladies playing swings were pictured. 清代陈枚《月曼清游图》册之二月“杨柳荡千”,藏于故宫博物院

Author: Yuan
Supervisor: Lv Yun
Editor: Lv Yun
Source: GZ-Maritimesilkroad (丝路云帆Silu Yunfan), official Wechat account of City Alliance for the Preservation and world Heritage Inscription of Maritime Silk Road Heritage