Culture|How did ancient Chinese spend Qingming Festival? (Ⅳ) 古人清明风俗多,插柳戴柳+拔河

Developed from the worshipping of ancestors and spring customs in ancient times, the Qingming Festival, also known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day, is an important traditional festival in China and also the fifth of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar.



Wonder how the ancient people spend the Qingming Festival holidays? Let's continue to find out.



拔河 Playing Bahe(Tug of war)

Ancient Chinese also preferred playing tug of war, or Bahe in Chinese, during the Qingming Festival. Called “Qian'gou” or “Gouqiang” earlier, the game was invented by the Chu Kingdom to strengthen the physique of soldiers in the late Spring and Autumn Period and later was played as a game among the people. 




A picture portrays people playing tug of war in ancient times. 古代绘画中的牵钩之戏 

During the Tang Dynasty, the game was officially named Bahe and became a popular festive activity among commoners. 


According to Fengshi wenjian ji(Master Feng's Records of Hearsay and Personal Experience), a collection written by the Tang period scholar Feng Yan, large-scale Bahe activity was held on the 15th day of the first lunar month which marked the Lantern Festival in China.


The book also mentioned that the imperial family of the Tang Dynasty also had a fondness for Bahe. 


Emperor Xuanzong once held a large-scale tug of war during the Qingming Festival. Since then, the game had become a part of Qingming customs, carrying people's wishes for good harvests and health.



戴柳/插柳 Wearing or putting willow branches on gates

In ancient times, people would also wear willow branches or putting them on gates in the Qingming Festival.


Willows sprout and turn green around the Qingming Festival. When people went outing, they would snap a branch of willow to wear on the head or place the branches on gates and front doors. People believed that this custom would ward off wandering evil spirits during Qingming.


The custom was practiced among ancient Chinese to commemorate Shen Nong, second of the mythical emperors in Chinese mythology who taught people how to do farm work. Also, influenced by Buddhism, people thought that willow could repel ghosts. 


Jia Sixie, in the Northern Wei Dynasty, once mentioned in his book Important Arts for the People's Walfare(Qimin yaoshu) that putting willow twigs at your door could keep ghosts away.



A picture depicting ladies buying willow branches, Qing Dynasty 中国古代风俗百图·清·卖柳条

For people in Guangdong, they were more used to wearing a branchlet of peach tree, instead of willow, on the head during the Qingming Festival, as peach wood also was believed to protect people from spectral evils, according to General History of Ruyuan County written during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty.


Author: Yuan
Supervisor: Lv Yun
Editor: Lv Yun
Source: GZ-Maritimesilkroad (丝路云帆Silu Yunfan), official Wechat account of City Alliance for the Preservation and world Heritage Inscription of Maritime Silk Road Heritage