What cuisine did ancient Chinese enjoy in spring? (Part Ⅱ ) 古人春天食谱,引起极度舒适!


Huishan Tea Party by Wen Zhengming, Ming Dynasty, housed in the Palace Museum 明文徵明《惠山茶会图卷》,故宫博物院藏 

Apart from xiangchun, celery and Chinese chives, what else could ancient Chinese eat during springtime? Now let's check out more.


Yuan Mei, a renowned scholar-bureaucrat in the Qing Dynasty, had great interest in cooking materials as well. 


From his point of view, vegetables in springtime were mostly exuberantly green, such as stem mustard, the material for pickles, according to Recipes from the Garden of Contentment: Yuan Mei's Manual of Gastronomy (Suiyuan Shidan 《随园食单》). He also noted that the rich tended to prefer vegetables more than meat, which coincides with people's healthy eating philosophy nowadays.




Likewise, residents of Jingchu area (the political, economic and cultural center of ancient Chu state, located in  today's Hubei province), also enjoyed some sort of thick soup made with seven kinds of vegetables in spring.  


Abundance of food materials in spring in ancient China can also be spotted from some kinds of "plates" of vegetables popular among people in different dynasties. In the Jin Dynasty, the "spring plate" holding turnips and celery, was presented as gifts. 



Literati Writing Poems Under A Pine Tree, by Zhou Wenju, Five Dynasties, housed in the Palace Museum 五代周文矩《文苑图》故宫博物院藏

In the Tang Dynasty, such "plate" was served with lettuce and spring pancake, or "Chunbing", a delicacy made of bean sprouts, spinach, hotbed chives, etc. 


People in the Northern Song Dynasty, according to one of the poems written by Su Shi, a genius who excelled at poetry, cooking and travel in that era, had made the "plate" richer in content by adding vegetable categories like tarragon and Chinese chive leaves in it.



A painting portraying a Chinese dowager tasting the dish comprising five spicy vegetables, from a collection of paintings depicting Chinese ancient customs painted by Wang Hongli (1927-2019), a famous painter of serial pictures 王弘力(1927-2019)《中国古代风俗百图》一书中描绘的“馈春盘”——即品尝五辛盘。

Similar to the "sping plate" was "Wu Xin Pan (plate with five spicy vegetables)", which replaced all but Chinese chive leaves in the "spring plate" with spicy vegetables—garlic, wild garlic, brassica and coriander. The combination was believed to promote the flow of qi and blood circulation. 


The pungent portfolio was recommended to go with wine brewed out of Chinese citrus fruit, as what Meng Zhonghou, one of the dukes in the Northern Song Dynasty did.


Author: Yuan
Supervisor: Lv Yun
Editor: Lv Yun
Source: GZ-Maritimesilkroad (丝路云帆Silu Yunfan), official Wechat account of City Alliance for the Preservation and world Heritage Inscription of Maritime Silk Road Heritage