Foodies' Heaven | Time-honored restaurants to enjoy dim sum in GZ (Ⅱ) 它们征服了最会吃的广州人: 莲香楼篇

Babao Duck ( duck stuffed with eight treasures) , signature dish of Lian Xiang Lou Restaurant 莲香楼的经典菜式八宝鸭

Nowadays, it is usual to see crowds of customers waiting outside some restaurants of Guangzhou in early mornings for 'Zaocha (dim sum or Cantonese morning tea)' . But in such a city full of particular foodies, what qualities are necessary for restaurants to remain popular with time passing by?


Today, let's explore the story of Lian Xiang Lou (Lin Heung Lau) Restaurant, one of the time-honored traditional restaurants in Guangzhou. 



莲香楼Lian Xiang Lou Restaurant ( Lin Heung Lau)

Lian Xiang Lou (Lin Heung Lau) Restaurant was first established as a pastry shop by Chen Weiqing in the fifteenth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1889). At the very beginning, the restaurant rose to fame because of its pastry stuffed with lotus seed paste, which was the rudiment of famous Cantonese-style mooncakes.



Lian Xiang Lou Restaurant (Lin Heung Lau Tea House) located on Dishifu Lu of Xiguan areain Liwan district of Guangzhou in the 1940s 上世纪40年代位于广州西关第十甫路的莲香大茶楼 

By the middle of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, three branches of the restaurant were set up in Kowloon district of Hong Kong while in 1910, Lian Xiang Lou expanded its business scope to cover teahouses.



Register of shareholders of Lian Xiang Lou (Lin Heung Lau) Restaurant in 1910 1910年的莲香楼股东册 

Lian Xiang Lou (Lin Heung Lau) Restaurant enjoys a good reputation for its sweet pastry which was served as snacks on wedding receptions of wealthy families in Xiguan area.



Signature wedding pastry produced by Lian Xiang Lou (Lin Heung Lau) 莲香楼嫁女饼 


Mooncakes mixed into white lotus seed paste produced by Lian Xiang Lou (Lin Heung Lau) 莲香楼白莲蓉月饼 

Another signature snack was its pork biscuit. Integrated with minced garlic, fermented red beancurd, gingili as well as lard, the delicacy leaves a pleasant aftertaste.



Pork biscuits produced by Lian Xiang Lou (Lin Heung Lau) 莲香楼鸡仔饼

In 1999, the restaurant was elected as one of the top-class restaurants of China. It developed a modern operation and management system in 2006 while maintaining the old name and its original flavor.


Author: Liu Liu, Yuan
Supervisor: Lv Yun
Editor: Lv Yun
Source: GZ-Maritimesilkroad (丝路云帆Silu Yunfan), official Wechat account of City Alliance for the Preservation and world Heritage Inscription of Maritime Silk Road Heritage
Courtesy: Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism