A documentary on poverty alleviation filmed and produced by Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Company (TVB) recently premiered on TVB's Jade Channel. The broadcast received favourable comments as well as praise from audiences, sparking heated discussions between Hong Kong and Chinese mainland viewers.
Many people are curious about what people from Hong Kong thought about poverty alleviation on Chinese mainland. Let's take a look.
Ep 1: "Cliff village" deep in Sichuan province 悬崖村的历史及沧桑
Ep 2: Migration plan to tackle poverty 人类史上大型易地搬迁
Ep 3: Transport infrastructure to reduce poverty 交通基建扶贫
Ep 4: Enhance wisdom to close the wealth gap 扶贫先扶智
Ep 5: University Dreams 大学梦
Ep 6:Relocation plan in Xihaigu, Ningxia 宁夏西海固(吊庄移民)
Ep 7: Water project and poverty alleviation 水利工程 生态扶贫
Ep 8: Hope Town 华润希望小镇
Ep 9: Best Coffee is in Yunnan 云南咖啡甲天下
Ep 10: How a teenager boosts local economy 网红丁真及家乡理塘举国成名
Ep 11: Getting rich through modern media 由贫穷县变网红县
Ep 12: A foreigner helps alleviate poverty 现代愚公移山
Sources: Xinhua News Agency, TVB
Editor: Lv Yun