Best birdwatching places| Nansha Wetland Park, a paradise for migratory birds


Winter is approaching. With increasing numbers of birds flocking in this city, it comes GZ's best season for birdwatching.

Among all the best places to watch birds, Nansha Wetland Park is the biggest.

Recognized as the "paradise for migratory birds" in the Pearl River Delta, Nansha Wetland Park attracts more than 100,000 migratory birds every year, accounting for more than 50% of the total number of migratory birds in GZ. 

So far, over 200 species of birds have been monitored in Nansha Wetland Park, including herons, egrets, night herons, oriental white storks, black-winged stilts and terns. 

Top-level state-protected birds like the white-tailed sea eagle and black-faced spoonbill can also be spotted here.


Source: Guangzhou Daily
Photo by Yang Yaoye, Li Xuyang
Editor: Lv Yun