¥50,000 award! Name wanted for GZ's 1st cross-river footbridge

Guangzhou's first ever footbridge across the Pearl River is scheduled to be completed and open to the public before June 30. A global naming campaign of the bridge is in full swing!

Ideas for a name are being solicited from individuals and legitimate teams from all around the world,with a prize of 50,000 yuan (US $7,750) offered to the top scorer.


The cross-river footbridge is designed with a span of 198 meters, a total length of 488 meters and a width of 15 meters, connecting the Canton Tower, Ersha Island and Haixinsha Island. 

"Its construction adopts the typical Lingnan architecture style, integrating cultural elements like the distinctive long sleeves of Cantonese Opera, unique Lingnan Guqin ("古琴" in Chinese, literally as Chinese zither) and flower boats," said He Jingtang, Chinese Engineering Academician and Chief Architect of the Architectural Design and Research Institute of South China University of Technology (SCUT), at a press conference today (May 13).

Once completed, the project is expected to be the world's widest curved-beam skew-arch footbridge with the longest span, He added.


The first landmark building in Guangzhou's central axis designed by local architects, the footbridge is the fruit of joint cooperation of He's team and the Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute.

It is divided into two sections, with the east part equipped with viewing platforms for sightseeing, and the west designed for walking, running and bicycling, offering a new option for recreational activities and tourism in the city.


According to the organizer, the naming campaign will run through May 28. Adopting a real-name system, the event allows global participants to submit their entries through the Xinhuacheng App (新花城) or the official WeChat account of Guangzhou Daily (广州日报). The professional judge panel will select 10 shortlisted entries for public voting, and the final result will be announced after review and approval.

Prizes are set for the winner and some other outstanding contestants. The winner will be awarded 50,000 yuan; two runner-ups 30,000 (US $4,650) and 20,000 yuan (US $3,100) respectively, based on their scores; and outstanding awards will be handed out to seven excellent contestants with a prize of 5,000 yuan(US $775) each.

Scan the QR code below to submit your entry!

Editor: Becky

Source: Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government