Guangzhou cultural facilities reopen to the public

With the COVID-19 epidemic slowing down in China, public cultural facilities in Guangzhou, such as libraries, museums and art centers, are gradually reopening after a shutdown for almost two months.

Guangzhou Library

Guangzhou Library reopened on March 15, allowing a maximum of 3,000 people to enter each day (1500 for each half-day). The number of readers inside the library is limited to 500, which will be adjusted according to the situation of epidemic control.

Readers need to make an appointment through the library's official WeChat account (ID: gzlibrary) one day in advance. They are also required to declare health conditions and upload personal travel history within 14 days when making the appointment.

One adult reader can only take one child (under 14) into the library. And readers are required to provide a QR code from the WeChat mini program Suikang (穗康) or other health certificates. They also need to go through temperature checks and show reservation records at the west gate when entering the library.

The current opening areas of Guangzhou Library are the north building (floors 1-9) and the south building (floors 2-6). The number of seats available for readers will be reduced. Other facilities — such as the self-study area, exhibition hall and lecture hall, small theater (south building), multi-functional broadcast room, Guangzhou documentary research and exhibition center, 24-hour intelligent library, and restaurants and parking lots — remain temporarily closed.

For more information, please contact the library at 020-83836666.

Opening Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (closed on Wednesday, except March 18)

Guangzhou Museum

Guangzhou Museum reopened its Zhenhai Tower exhibition area and its square on March 15. A total of 215 visitors were received throughout the day, 69 of whom were from outside Guangdong province.

The museum will welcome no more than 40 visitors every hour, and the number of visitors admitted per day is limited to 300. Wearing masks is a must during the visit. And it's recommended that visitors keep a distance, at least 1.5 meters, from each other.

Guangzhou Museum provides an online real-name reservation system on WeChat account 'gzbwgzhgb' (广州博物馆智慧广博) for individuals. Group visits, however, are still suspended. Visitors need to fill in their real names, contact information, and ID card numbers when making reservations. Each ID card can only make one reservation per day.

After successfully making a reservation, visitors must show a QR code from the WeChat mini program, Suikang, before buying tickets with their reservation code and ID card. Currently, only e-payment is accepted.

Opening Hours: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. (closed on Monday)

Guangzhou Cultural and Art Center

Starting from March 16, citizens are required to make real-name reservation to gain admission to Guangzhou Cultural and Art Center. Various activities such as public training, exhibitions and performances will be gradually launched by the center. And online reservation in advance is required for all activities. Visitors can get the latest information and make reservations through the WeChat account (ID: gzswhg) or the website of the center ( Everyone needs to go through temperature check and show reservation information and Suikang QR code before entering the center.

Opening Hours: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. (closed on Monday)

Other facilities

Other cultural facilities in Guangdong province, including Maoming Museum, Shaoguan Museum, Qingyuan Museum, also reopen.